WordPress Cheat Sheet

Complete Cheat Sheet (For Beginners & Developers)

Below you’ll find a WordPress Cheat Sheet that is split into three parts:

  • WP-CLI (Beginners)
  • WordPress Theme Development (Developers)
  • WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts

We’ve made it available both in PDF and PNG (as an infographic).

PDF Version of WordPress Cheat Sheet

WordPress Cheat Sheet (Download PDF)

Infographic Version of WordPress Cheat Sheet (PNG)

WordPress Cheat Sheet (Download PNG)

WordPress Cheat Sheet Summary

WordPress Cheat Sheet

Most common functions, commands, and keyboard shortcuts to help you with your WordPress theme development journey.

WP-CLI Cheat Sheet

WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. You can update plugins, configure multisite installations and much more, without using a web browser.

Download WordPress

wp core download

Generate wp-config.php file

wp core config --dbname=<dbname>
--dbuser=<dbuser> --dbpass=<dbpass>

Install WordPress

wp core install --url=​"your_domain_name"
--title=​"Your Blog Title"​ --admin_user=​"admin"

Search plugin

wp plugin search yoast

Install plugin

wp plugin install pluginname

List plugins

wp plugin list

List installed themes

wp theme list

Search for new themes

wp theme search keyword

Install theme

wp theme install bootstrap-four

Activate theme

wp theme activate bootstrap-four

List posts

wp post list

Edit post

wp post edit 1

Post update

 wp post update 1
--post_title=​"Your New title..."

Create posts

wp post create
--post_title=​"Second Post"

Login WordPress db

wp db cli

List WordPress users

wp db query ​"SELECT user_login, ID FROM wp_users;"

Change WordPress post author

wp post update 6 --post_author=1

Optimize db

wp db optimize

Update WordPress

wp core update

Update WordPress DB

wp core update-db

Update all plugins

wp plugin update --all

WordPress Themes Development Cheat Sheet

WordPress Themes Development Cheat Sheet (Expand)

WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts

WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (Expand)