How to Make a Website

A free, step-by-step guide for making a website in an hour or less.

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Thinking of creating a website right now?

This beginner’s guide will help you make your own website in an easy step-by-step format.

It won’t take more than an hour, and if you do it this way, you’ll actually be able to save some money in the long run (more on that later).

Should you get stuck, we also offer free help via email 🙂

Table of Contents

  1. Choose a domain name (.www)
  2. Subscribe to a web hosting account
  3. Set up your website (WordPress)
  4. Design your website
  5. Add pages and further customization

Ready to build your website today? Grab a coffee or a tea, and let’s get started!

Step 1: Choose a domain name (.www)

First things first: every website needs a name.

Without a name (also known as a domain name), your website simply cannot function. Think of it as a street address for a house, where the address is the domain name and the house is your website.

When choosing a domain name, there are a few rules you should keep in mind:

  • If you’re setting up a business website, your domain name should match your company name (
  • If you plan on making a personal website or a personal blog for yourself, then using your full name as the domain name is a good option (
  • In any case, try to get the .com version if possible as it’s the most popular one that people are familiar with.

Domain names usually end with .com, .net, .org,, .ca, or .de (among others). If you want your domain name ending aimed at the global population, try registering a .com version. If you want to target local visitors from Canada or Germany, choose the .ca or .de extension.

Be aware that there are over 300 million active domain names, so all the best ones are taken long time ago.

If you don’t have a domain, don’t buy it just yet.

You can get one for free in step #2.

P.S. You can use this tool to check if your desired domain name is available:

Check Domain Availability

Note: Checking a domain that just entered redemption period may return an inaccurate result.

Step 2: Get a web hosting account

In addition to a domain name, you will also need web (website) hosting.

Web hosting is a service allows you to register a domain name and set up a website.

By choosing the right option for your web hosting, you can get access a wide variety of website building tools that are free to use.

When using a website builder, you are locked with one product — whether it’s Wix, Squarespace or any other website builder.

But if you use web hosting, you can set up a website(s) using different free website-building tools like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and others.

That gives you a lot of flexibility while building your website.

Popular Free CMS Market Share

Web hosting also hosts your website files so your website is online 24/7 for visitors.

While it might seem like all web hosts are basically the same, there are huge differences in speed and reliability.

Your web hosting must ensure that your website is up and running 24/7/365.

Where to find a good web hosting provider

Over the past 6-7 years, we have monitored over 15 web hosting companies. You can see the full list here.

One of the most reliable and affordable among them is Hostinger:

hostinger web hosting performance

Full Disclosure: We are affiliated with Hostinger and may earn a commission should you decide to make a purchase. However, we only recommend them because we believe they offer the best price/service value in the entire web hosting industry.

Together with a domain name (if you choose the Premium plan), the first year will be only $48. Keep in mind that their renewal fees are higher, but not by much if you opt in for longer.

Alternatively, you can pay month-to-month and cancel anytime. Just make sure there are always enough funds available on your payment method because your site will go down if hosting has not been paid for.

Furthermore, unlike many other web hosting providers, Hostinger offers 90+ free website-building tools to be set up through their dashboard.

That’s more than any other web hosting we’ve tested to date.

If you want to set up a website (and register a domain name), simply go to (or any other web hosting provider) and sign up.

Choose your web hosting plan

Hostinger offers three main hosting plans. In this guide, we’ve opted for the “Premium Web Hosting” 12-month hosting plan that comes with a 1-year free domain.

The premium plan is a good choice if you’re just starting out and don’t yet have a large volume of inbound website traffic.web hosting account orderChoose the 12-month plan and click “Sign up.”

Note: You can always upgrade/downgrade your plan if needed.

Create your account and pay

Finalize hosting plan

After selecting your plan, you’ll get an overview of it and the available payment methods. You can also remove all the pre-ticked features as you don’t really need them right now. Overall, you should be able to get a one-year web hosting plan for less than $50.

Next, fill out all the required information, such as your first and last name, address, email, and don’t forget to use our coupon code WEBSITESETUP.

Before you enter your payment information, double-check all the above criteria, and if everything is correct, click “Submit Secure Payment.”

Claim your free domain for one year (Premium Plan)

naming your website

After completing the purchase, the next stage is to connect your new domain name with Hostinger or register a free domain name (for the first year) directly with them.

You’ll be prompted with three different options to name your website during the hosting setup process. If you’re not sure about the domain name yet, there’s an option to skip this step.

You can otherwise claim your free domain (free for 1 year). If you skipped the option or missed the chance to claim your free domain, don’t worry — you can access the option later through the members area.

registering a free domain

Step 3: Set up your website

Congratulations! By now, you should have a domain name and web hosting.

Now it’s time to set up a website.

In this example, we will be using WordPress.

WordPress is the most popular free website builder, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. You can find different statistics from (here, here, and here). WordPress is pretty straightforward and doesn’t come with a huge learning curve.

Since you already have a domain name and web hosting, you can set up WordPress completely free through Hostinger or any other web hosting provider that has one-click installs for free website builders.

Step 1: Log in to your web hosting account.

If you are using Hostinger, go to

log in to your web hosting account

Step 2: Install WordPress

In Hostinger, installing applications automatically is very straightforward. Simply navigate to WebsitesManage. Search for the Auto Installer on the left sidebar and click on it.

Installing applications in Hostinger

If you are using other hosting providers, search for “WordPress” within their dashboard.

Installing WordPress in Hostinger

Next, you will need to add some basic information about your site, which you can change later on, such as website title, email address, username, and password.

If you get stuck installing WordPress on Hostinger, read this guide.

Step 4: Design your website

Once you set up your WordPress website, you can log in from

After logging in, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and select “Appearance” from the left-hand menu.

Here, you can tweak your website’s theme, layout, colors, and fonts.

Essentially, every visual change you want to make on your website can be done through the “Appearance” tab.

List of themes on WordPress admin dashboard

Once you choose the right theme, simply click “Install” and then “Activate.” To help you choose, we’ve put together a list of the best free themes on WordPress.

Take your time to find the right theme for your website. Don’t worry if you choose something that you don’t like — you can always change it back.

Step 5: Create website structure and add pages

Once you have chosen a template, you need to create a structure and add the most important pages.

These are usually:

  • Homepage
  • About us
  • Contact page — here, you can add your social links (Facebook page, Twitter, etc.)
  • Our services/products
  • Blog
  • Gallery
  • Testimonials/reviews

Do some brainstorming to determine which pages you need the most, and start from there. Make sure you include those important pages in your header and footer so visitors can access them easily site-wide.

If you’re unsure what your website should include, read this article about the 12 critical elements every site needs.

Adding pages and publishing content

A blank website without any pages or content isn’t of much use to anybody, so in order to make the website accessible and interesting, we need to add some pages and blog posts.

To add pages to your WordPress site, navigate the left-hand menu to “Pages, and from there, click the button “Add New.”

"Pages" tab on WordPress dashboard

That will take you to the WordPress block editor.

If it’s your first time visiting this, it will display a quick step-by-step tutorial on how it works and where certain functions are located.

It’s quite easy to work; everything is block-based, which means if you want to add something to your page, you simply need to choose the correct “block” from the menu and fill it in. You can learn more about the block editor in our guide.

WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor Example

On the left, in the content block section, there are multiple content options to choose from. Each serves a different purpose and adds a different visual element to the page.

Alternatively, the right-hand menu allows you to change some page-wide settings, like the author, the page’s permalink (URL), the featured image, and more.

On the top of the right-hand menu, you can click on the “Block” tab and customize the settings for each block you’ve selected on the page.

Once you’re happy with the page, you can make it public or private. The former will make the content visible to any visitor, while the latter means that it is only visible to you via your website dashboard — this is a useful option to use when still working on a particular page.

There’s also an option to preview the changes you’ve made or to schedule a date and time for the page to be published.

Creating a structure and navigation

Now that you’ve created the pages, you need to add them to the navigation (menu) bar.

That is the menu located throughout your website that provides visitors with access to the rest of the content.

In WordPress, you can customize your navigation system by clicking the “Appearance” tab on the left-hand column followed by “Menus. After you’ve created the menu, you can start adding and organizing the pages there.

Manage menus on WordPress

You can also create sub-items, meaning that pages will be revealed when users hover their mouse over them.

Step 6: Add a logo and a favicon

At this point, your website has content and structure, meaning you’re almost across the finish line. To wrap things up, you need to include a logo and favicon. Both of these can be added through the “Site Identity” menu.

To access it, go to “Appearance” on the left-hand menu and click “Customize,followed by the “Site Identity” option. Under the “Logo” section, click “Select Logo” and choose your logo file from your images or upload it. Once you’ve done that, your logo will automatically appear on your website.

If you want your logo to appear next to your website’s name in the URL bar, you do that by adding a favicon. You can upload your favicon in the “Site Identity” menu under the “Site Icon” section.

You can create a favicon by using any of these free favicon generators. They can convert your logo into the right shape and size image for a favicon.

Your website is ready

Well done! At this stage, your website should be up and running smoothly.

If you encounter any difficulties or need assistance with your website setup, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Additionally, it’s important to link your website with Google Search Console. This valuable tool, also known as GSC, helps you monitor traffic from search engines and identify which content resonates most with your audience.

Google Search Console provides a comprehensive view of your website’s performance, offering insights that are essential for its upkeep. The configuration process for this tool is straightforward and should take roughly 10 minutes. Here you’ll find a detailed guide to help you through each step.

Last updated: June, 2024